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Veterans Help

Veterans Help & Information

We are an Armed Forces Veteran friendly accredited GP Practice! 
This means that, as part of the health commitments of the Armed Forces Covenant, we have a dedicated clinician who has specialist knowledge of military related health conditions and veteran specific health services.  This is important in helping ex-forces to get the best care and treatment. 

Are you currently or have you served in the armed forces in the past? 
If yes, please contact the receptionist so that we can add this information to your medical records. 

How the NHS can help you if you're in a Military Service or a Veteran:
New local support service available for patients with an Armed Forces connection. Click the link below to find out more

Forces for Change Service Poster 

Top Tips for veterans

Round-the-clock news of the crisis in the Ukraine and the deployment of UK troops to the Ukraine as part of Op Orbital may impact many in our Armed Forces & Veterans Community. Op Courage: Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service – Transition, Intervention and Liaison Service (TILS) service remain committed to supporting our Veteran community and addressing any mental health difficulties you may be experiencing. 

Strong emotional reactions are normal and there is no right or wrong way to feel about the emerging situation. 

This news may evoke distress, memories, and dreams, particularly if you have previously deployed, served with colleagues who have deployed or are a family member of someone who was deployed. 

In uncertain times, it is common to feel unsettled. For some people, this news may evoke very intense feelings. 

If you or someone you know is affected by your time in the military and/or recent events concerning Ukraine & Russia, and you are in North England we, TILS, are inviting you to contact us to discuss how we can best support you at this time. 

General enquiries/referrals: 0800 652 2867 or

Op Courage Leaflet 

Veterans’ Organisations 
The following websites may provide useful information for ex-service personnel and families of those still serving: 

The Royal British Legion (RBL) Tel: 08457 725 725 

Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen Families Association (SSAFA) Forces Help Tel: 0845 1300 975 

Combat Stress 24-hour helpline Tel: 0800 138 1619 

Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA)
Tel: 0800 169 2277 (freephone, UK only)